Nothing lasts forever, and asphalt is no exception. There comes a time with every parking lot where you need to ask whether it’s time to repair it, or replace it altogether.
A properly paved asphalt lot can last 20 – 30 years, but the lifespan and condition of any lot depends on many factors. Let’s take a look at the various kinds of damage and repairs, and when you should replace a lot entirely.
Asphalt repairs and maintenance you can count on.
Repair, remove, recycle, resurface—DRYCO incorporates the latest asphalt technologies in all repairs we perform, from pot hole repair, ADA improvements, and overlay to full-depth replacement (FDR). We provide comprehensive services for all stages of pavement engineering and maintenance including conform grinding, parking lot resurface and overlay, ADA site compliance, cement treatments, pulverize in place, drainage solutions for extended life, driveway repairs, trenching, asphalt berms, and speed bumps.