If you are a property manager or building owner, it can be costly if your building is not ADA compliant. Being ADA compliant means your property complies with the Fair Housing Amendments Act of 1988 and American’s With Disabilities Act of 1990. Not being compliant subjects yourself to millions of dollars in damages. Most often, violators could prevent such exposure if only they’d fully understood the rules and regulations and known whether or not the property was compliant.
A recent report from Property Management Insider states that in recent years, apartments have been sued and paid dearly for a number of accessibility violations. Settlements have reached as high as seven figures, but, moreover, costs to retrofit non-compliant units have been in the tens of millions of dollars in some cases.
DRYCO performs numerous jobs to ensure that your property is ADA compliant. Whether it’s a concrete retrofit, wheelchair access ramp, leveling of a parking stall, or required striping and signage, your one call to DRYCO provides a complete solution