DRYCO – Leaders
In Safety
DRYCO is known for our responsible, reliable, results-driven work, but underlying all three of these core values is our commitment to safety.
Safety is built into everything we do. We follow strict standards to keep our employees safe. We maintain safe work sites to ensure no one is at risk.
When we promise our worksites are safe, we mean it. You don’t have to take our word for it. Just examine our safety ratings and you’ll see why DRYCO is synonymous with safety.
What Do Safety Ratings Mean For Property Managers
Our excellent EMR and OSHA ratings benefit the property managers and owners we work with in several ways. With our safety standards in place at DRYCO, there is:
- Less chance of project delays due to accidents or injuries
- Less likelihood of insurance involvement due to accidents
- Less likelihood of property damage as a result of an accident
- High probability that your project is completed on time, within budget, with beautiful results
- Assurance that we have considered potential safety hazards and prepared a plan to keep employees and others safe.
How Is Jobsite Safety Measured?
Insurance companies use an experience modification rating (EMR), also called a MOD rating, to calculate insurance premiums and workers compensation rates. This rating encompasses how many times a company has had an accident or lost days on a project due to unsafe conditions.
A MOD rating of 1.0 is the average rating given. At DRYCO, we continue to score well below 1.0. That’s good news. We are performing much better than our peers on a number of safety standards.
In 2019, DRYCO scored a 0.76 rating. In 2020, we lowered it to 0.62, and in 2021, our rating was 0.56. Each year we’ve consistently lowered that rating because we value safety in everything we do.
The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) also issues safety ratings for construction companies each year. OSHA’s average rating is 2.5. DRYCO maintains an OSHA rating of 1.7. DRYCO follows OSHA safety mandates and inspections to achieve these ratings.
How Does DRYCO Keep Our Safety Ratings So Low?
We have comprehensive safety measures and extensive training to
keep our employees and work sites safe, including:
for every employee
on safety
to identify potential hazards and create a plan for a safe working environment.
who perform regular job site inspections full-time. Our executive managers and owner also perform unannounced job site inspections.
DRYCO Safety Excellence Award
PentaRisk recognized DRYCO with the PentaRisk Safety Excellence award for the 4th consecutive year. This award is for “Best in Class” contractors who have demonstrated management commitment to safety, excellent EMR ratings, and continuous focus on employee safety.