Did you know…There is an innovative process to rebuild your pavement that will help you save precious time and money?
Pavement begins to break down when the surface dries out and begins to crack. With heavy traffic and moisture penetrating underneath the pavement the structural integrity of the base begins to fail. Solution? Full Depth Rehabilitation (FDR) is a process that has been around for years which utilizes failed pavement, base and subgrade to create a strong base that is impermeable to water and will last for an average of 20-30 years. This process not only decreases the long term cost of pavement maintenance but also lowers the impact the project will have on the surrounding community by requiring less trucks to haul off debris and ultimately reduces the required construction time. Click here to read more. Now What? Are you interested in learning more about pavement maintenance so you are equipped with the necessary knowledge to make intelligent decisions regarding your property’s paving needs? Join DRYCO Construction for our Fall Pavement Maintenance Seminar on September 30! Click here for further details. For additional information and to register contact Aubrey Caton at (510) 754-3921 or by email at AubreyC@DRYCO.com. |
What You Need To Know About Full Depth Reclamation
DRYCO also offers one of the most sustainable ways to replace pavement: Full Depth Reclamation. Read more about it here.